Power-Digest (Power Darm)

Natural gut cleanse 9 Testimonials
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
60g, 1 Piece € 166.50/kg 9.99 €
140g, 1 Piece € 151.79/kg 21.25 €
incl. VAT, excl. shipping costs
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)
Power-Digest (Power Darm) 60g (1 Piece)

The natural solution for a regulated digestive process.


Stress, nutrition and other factors can have a negative impact on the intestinal flora. Power-Digest contains an effective combination of natural substances to strengthen the intestinal flora:

  • Fructooligosaccharides (prebiotic) (approx. 100,000 mg/kg)
  • Mannanoligosaccharides (adhesive effect) (approx. 70,000 mg/kg)
  • Glucan polysaccharides (immune stimulant) (approx. 110,000 mg/kg)
  • Enterococcus faecium (probiotic)
  • Inulin (prebiotic)

Power-Digest promotes the proliferation of favorable intestinal bacteria (Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli) and contributes to strengthening the so-called  "barrier" intenstinal flora.

Harmful bacteria are bound with mannanoligosaccharides and excreted in the faecal matter.

How Power Digest works

The rearrangement of the intestinal flora rakes about 10-14 days. During this phase, increased flatulence and bowel activity may occur. The effects of Power-Digest include improved digestion resulting in soft faeces with a good consistency.

Anifit tip: During a change in the diet and after intestinal diseases, we recommend adding 1-3 grams to the Anifit wet food. It can also be fed after an anesthetic or during antibiotic treatment.

Anifit tip: After each deworming treatment, mix 1-3 grams into the food for a period of one month. Otherwise, the intestine requires a period of 5-7 months to fully regenerate.



Yeast cell walls, ground carrots, chicory powder, yoghurt powder and apple pectin, fructo-oligosaccharides, banana flour, turmeric

Nutritional additives

Enterococcus faecium 2*109 CFU

Ingredient profile

17 % raw protein, 7 % fat content, 4 % raw fibre, 4 % crude ash, 7 % moisture

Feeding recommendation

Daily feeding recommendation

1 g for dogs and cats up to 10 kg body weight
2 g for dogs up to 20 kg body weight
3 g for dogs up to 40 kg body weight
Dosage: 2 g is the equivalent of one teaspoon.
A full measuring spoon equals 0,9 g.

Mix Power-Digest into the wet food.

Häufige Fragen

Ich muss meinem Tier Antibiotika geben, ab wann soll ich Power-Darm zufüttern?

Mit der Darmsanierung können Sie sofort beginnen. Durch jede Antibiotika-Behandlung ist die Darmflora geschwächt. Power-Darm hat keinen Einfluss auf die Wirkung des Antibiotikums. Es wird sogar empfohlen, während der Antibiotikagabe und auch 2-4 Wochen danach die Darmflora zu unterstützen.

Kann ich Power-Darm während einer Wurmkur füttern?

Ja, Sie können Powerdarm während einer Wurmkur geben. Wir empfehlen, jedenfalls nach der Wurmkur für 2-4 Wochen den Darm zu unterstützen, damit sich die Darmflora möglichst rasch wieder erholt.

Kann ich Power-Darm langfristig einsetzen?

Power-Darm kann man grundsätzlich für unbestimmte Zeit verabreichen. Die Inhaltsstoffe sind unproblematisch in der Anwendung. Wir empfehlen, Power-Darm für einen Zeitraum von 2 bis 4 Wochen als Kur zu nehmen. Wenn 14 Tage noch nicht ausgereicht haben, die Darmflora zu stabilisieren, dann empfiehlt sich eine Verlängerung um weitere 2 bis 4 Wochen.

Wie schnell wirkt Power-Darm?

Unser Produkt Power-Darm unterstützt die Darmflora in mehrfacher Hinsicht. Es ist aber kein Medikament, das von heute auf morgen wirkt, sondern es besteht aus natürlichen, pflanzlichen Stoffen. Bitte haben Sie ein bis zwei Wochen Geduld, dann sollte sich die unterstützende Wirkung bemerkbar machen.

Wie verfüttert man Power-Darm?

Die einfachste Möglichkeit ist, das Pulver mit der Nassnahrung zu vermischen.


Food supplement for dogs and cats
60g, 140g can

What our customers say

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Bubi ist topfit (copy) (copy) (copy) Unsere Terrierhüdin Josie und wir sind hellauf begeistert von ANIfit. Josie ist sehr empfindlich und wir haben uns während der Futterumstellung eng mit unserer Fachberatung Sandra Paruzel ausgetauscht. Frau Paruzel hat uns bei der Umstellung begleitet und wir sind einfach nur dankbar für die tolle Beratung und ihre Tipps. Josie frisst die Gourmetwurst der Sorte Pferd und erhält zur Umstellung das Produkt Powerdarm. Demnächst wollen wir auch die tollen Leckeries von ANIfit ausprobieren. Danke für... Unsere Terrierhüdin Josie und wir sind hellauf begeistert von ANIfit. Josie ist sehr empfindlich und wir haben uns während der Futterumstellung eng mit unserer Fachberatung Sandra Paruzel ausgetauscht... Read review Jule (pancreas) Dear Anifit Team, We have been feeding our Jule, a border-shepherd mix, (4 years old) Anifit food regularly for over a year now. It was always a problem with other dog foods, sometimes she didn't like it or simply couldn't tolerate it. After the intestinal build-up treatment with your fructosan, we quickly got her intestinal problems under control. At first we thought our dog was very picky, but now we know that he just has a good taste. He loves eating Anifit and also feels much fuller and fo... Dear Anifit Team, We have been feeding our Jule, a border-shepherd mix, (4 years old) Anifit food regularly for over a year now. It was always a problem with other dog foods, sometimes she didn't li... Read review Suri Hello, dear Anifit team, I've had my Suri (5 years old) for just over 3 years now and I've been feeding her Anifit for that long. Today I took her to the vet and had a blood count and a worm test done. What can I say... Everything is fine . The last time she had worms was in 2012. I give her Manosan in her food every day and coconut flakes twice a week. She has always done very well, has a great figure and a super coat and healthy teeth :-) Animal greetings from Dresden From Suri and Mum Thi... Hello, dear Anifit team, I've had my Suri (5 years old) for just over 3 years now and I've been feeding her Anifit for that long. Today I took her to the vet and had a blood count and a worm test don... Read review Candy is back in top form! Dear Anifit team, During the walk, I told them about my dog's complaints, that he was somehow not in such a good mood, didn't like to eat, often had diarrhoea and his faeces sometimes looked like they were covered in skin. That's when I found Mrs Nick's open ears. She recommended ANIfit to me. I hadn't seen it in any shop before, I thought. Mrs Nick's dog has been on it for a long time and is doing great. She gave me a card with a telephone number and told me to call them, they would give me v... Dear Anifit team, During the walk, I told them about my dog's complaints, that he was somehow not in such a good mood, didn't like to eat, often had diarrhoea and his faeces sometimes looked like the... Read review
Diarrhoea in kittens gone/smoking no hip pain Dear Anifit Team, Following a recommendation from a friend, I simply wanted to give ANfit a try for our two tigers. My friend has been a customer for a very long time and her cats are just fine. As two kittens had moved in with us and both were suffering from severe diarrhoea and were also both underweight, I got the tip just right and switched them to ANIfit. They loved the food right from the start and had a lot of catching up to do. I asked Mrs Zintl everything that was bothering me and sh... Dear Anifit Team, Following a recommendation from a friend, I simply wanted to give ANfit a try for our two tigers. My friend has been a customer for a very long time and her cats are just fine. As ... Read review Mr Schröder will soon have reached his ideal weight! Dear Anifit team, Mr Schröder (French Bulldog, 4 years old) always had a bit too many kilos on him, but that never bothered anyone. Suddenly he started to sit down when we took him for a walk.... so off to the vet. Long story short, Mr Schröder has HD (HÜFTGELENKDYSPLASIE). No surgery is necessary yet, but he MUST lose 2-3 kg to relieve the pressure on his joints and hips. So according to the vet FDH (eat half) and it should take about 1 year. This naturally made Mr Schröder very unhappy. The... Dear Anifit team, Mr Schröder (French Bulldog, 4 years old) always had a bit too many kilos on him, but that never bothered anyone. Suddenly he started to sit down when we took him for a walk.... s... Read review A real stroke of luck. I am more than satisfied with the products from Anifit. At the moment I have been going through a difficult time with my dog. He kept having stomach pains. He moaned to himself, no longer enjoyed going for walks and preferred to hide away. An ultrasound scan revealed gastritis and a lot of air in his small intestine. Diet and medication were now the order of the day. I searched the Internet for a contact to Anifit and found Mr Kellermann. A real stroke of luck. He helped me, drew up a special di... I am more than satisfied with the products from Anifit. At the moment I have been going through a difficult time with my dog. He kept having stomach pains. He moaned to himself, no longer enjoyed goin... Read review Finally carefree jumping thanks to power gut I had big problems with my 5-month-old shelter dog. The endless visits to the vet for diarrhoea didn't help, he recommended dry food for sensitive dogs, it went well for a few weeks, but nothing would get to her and then the diarrhoea started again, she was limp and listless, I was at a loss! Then I met Andrea Hermann (nutritionist) who listened to me intensively, she recommended Anifit and intestinal build-up and finally things started to improve for her. She was very happy when she was fed, re... I had big problems with my 5-month-old shelter dog. The endless visits to the vet for diarrhoea didn't help, he recommended dry food for sensitive dogs, it went well for a few weeks, but nothing would... Read review
Thanks to Power Darm, their bowel movements are back to normal I am the proud owner of 2 dog ladies. Finya got diarrhoea from every dog food, which was only alleviated by medicinal mud. The disadvantage is that the appetite is extremely increased.Last week I tried Anifit for the first time.The previous consultation with Mrs Zintl was very good, no time pressure etc. Today I went straight for supplies, because Finya has had no more diarrhoea since the first feeding with Anifit! I am therefore convinced that Anifit is a really high quality dog food.In terms o... I am the proud owner of 2 dog ladies. Finya got diarrhoea from every dog food, which was only alleviated by medicinal mud. The disadvantage is that the appetite is extremely increased.Last week I trie... Read review

Power-Digest (Power Darm)

Natural gut cleanse 9 Testimonials
Size Price/Base weight Selling price
60g, 1 Piece € 166.50/kg 9.99 €
140g, 1 Piece € 151.79/kg 21.25 €

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